Download Release 7.7 Now

Our goal at OnePlace Solutions is to enable people in business to do more, simply and Release 7.7 (R7.7) delivers big with no less than thirteen enhancements! Download R7.7.
Check in / check out functionality for OnePlaceDocs is the highlight of this release.
Check in / Check Out functionality allows you to be more productive by being able to see who has a document checked out, right from your desktop. This means you can contact that person to come out of the document or return to work on this task later. When you are working on a document and you have finished your changes you can now directly add comments when checking the file back in. With R7.7 checking in a file can be managed without going into SharePoint, leaving you to get back to work.
All enhancements and fix information can be found on our What's New page.
We look forward to your feedback and encourage you to join our growing community where you can add and vote up the features and enhancements important to you.
Did you know we also have the 'Modern' OnePlaceMail working on your iPhone (iOS), Android, Mac, Windows and OWA (Office Web App)? We're in Preview in the Office Store and look forward to moving to General Availability soon.
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