KB0128 - The OnePlaceDocs Plugin failed to run the broker in protected mode
Starting Adobe Reader XI states the OnePlaceDocs Plugin failed to run the broker in protected mode.
You receive the following error when starting Adobe Reader XI:
The OnePlaceDocs Plugin failed to run the broker in protected mode.
The user is running Adobe Reader (not Acrobat) XI in Protected mode, with a required file missing.
Check to see if OnePlaceDocsAdobePlugin.exe exists in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Reader 11.0\plugins\pi_brokers\
Solution 1:
Please check that it has not been removed or quarantined by an antivirus program.
If so, please restore this file.
Solution 2:
If the file is not able to be restored from quarantine, two options are available:
- Uninstall and reinstall OnePlaceDocs, excluding OnePlaceDocsAdobePlugin.exe from the antivirus before running Adobe Reader;
- Disable Protected mode in Adobe Reader