Solving the data problem for streamlined information management with Ideagen OnePlace Solutions

Data is an essential piece of the puzzle for organisations looking to achieve success, with many people referring to data as oil, gold, and even uranium in an attempt to highlight its importance. There’s no question that data is king; however, its inherent value can be lost when it isn’t used or stored effectively.
Currently, businesses are at risk of being overwhelmed by their data, with the volume of data created, captured, copied, and consumed worldwide projected to total over 180 zettabytes by 2025, a more than 180 per cent increase from 64.2 zettabytes in 2020. Such huge volumes of data need to be carefully managed, and companies risk falling behind their competitors if they aren’t able to effectively manage their information.
How can organisations solve the data problem?
Many of today’s business leaders recognise that data and information management is critical to their success; however, some companies may be at risk of overcomplicating their information management processes. For organisations that manage things like legal matters, projects, and even contracts, it’s not uncommon for business leaders to invest in bespoke information management platforms to manage their content and complement their use of applications such as the Microsoft 365 product suite.
However, while these seem like a solution that will streamline processes, often these platforms present new challenges to organisations while trying to solve others. In particular, businesses face challenges with their employees moving between organisations, or even industries, and learning how to use brand new tools and technologies, which can slow down productivity.
This can complicate the information management process for individuals. When employees face information overload and aren’t sure where to save documents, they can create their own systems outside of organisational best practice, which introduces compliance and security risks. Additionally, complicated systems that challenge users can also lead to an increase in shadow IT, which opens organisations to greater risk.
The Ideagen OnePlace Solutions answer
Ideagen OnePlace Solutions is committed to helping people in business do more, simply. Where bespoke information management systems can inadvertently overcomplicate the processes they’re supposed to streamline, Ideagen OnePlace Solutions takes a different approach, prioritising the simplification of data capture, creation, classification, access, and action through workflows.
Ideagen OnePlace Solutions enhances the Microsoft 365 product suite that organisations already use and works to simplify the platform from the employee and system administrator perspective, removing unnecessary noise and perceived complexity. Across its solutions—including OnePlaceMail, OnePlaceDocs, and OnePlaceLive—Ideagen OnePlace Solutions leverages automation and personalisation to streamline the information management process and bring business systems to the familiar applications where people work.
Its solutions can be strategically deployed across the whole organisation to enhance information management across the entire operation, not just legal matter management or project management, for example. They can be deployed across any information architecture for simplification and consistency. This means that, when a new employee joins the company or changes their role within the organisation, all the relevant business systems they need are delivered in personalised, familiar manner. This ensures productivity, improves engagement with systems, leads to better information management, and improved governance, risk, and compliance (GRC). A core component of this is the use of automation to capture metadata alongside data creation, resulting in better information and knowledge management long-term.
Ideagen OnePlace Solutions recognises that one of the biggest challenges that organisations face is that end-users can easily lose sight of where the boundary is within Microsoft 365 between systems. This is especially true if individuals are relying on multiple different Teams sites or channels across numerous divisions or areas of the business. This can overcomplicate user interactions and can result in the degradation of Microsoft 365 usability over time.
By prioritising built-in workflows that simplify data capture, creation, classification, and access, and embedding solutions that enhance the Microsoft 365 platforms that employees are familiar with, Ideagen OnePlace Solutions works as a critical part of organisational success as opposed to a simple utility or tool.
For more information on how Ideagen OnePlace Solutions can help your business enhance its information management for improved user productivity in the familiar applications where your people prefer to work, contact the team today.
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