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TLS 1.2 and what it means for you

Jessica is a senior marketing professional with over 10 years in the industry.
Jessica Mckenzie
10 July 2018
TLS 1.2 and what it means for you

What is TLS?

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is an industry standard to help protect information communicated over the internet. The newest version TLS, 1.2 provides improved security is the current standard.

What is changing?

For Office 365 users Microsoft will discontinue support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1 on October 31 2018. This means that if you have not enabled TLS 1.2 by the end of October you may experience connectivity issues to 365.

What is affected?

If your environment is using Office 365 then TLS 1.0/1.1 can remain enabled, however to avoid any interruptions TLS 1.2 must be enabled for Office 365. Older web browsers will need to support TLS 1.2, if by chance you are using an older web browser, it will be worth upgrading to a later release.

Servers such as Exchange, Windows & SharePoint will need to have TLS 1.2 enabled. In a Hybrid scenario, such as on-premises Active Directory Federation Services need to make sure that the infrastructure can support both inbound and outbound connections using TLS 1.2. Further to this, other scenarios should be considered to ensure that there are no issues once older versions are no longer supported.

.NET Framework

.NET is a managed execution environment that uses common language runtime, used as an execution engine and class library providing reusable code. Older versions of .NET do not support the newer TLS 1.2 so it is recommended to also upgrade .NET to at least 4.5 if you are using an older version of Windows.  For .NET 4.5 - while TLS 1.2 is supported it is not the default protocol, so you will need to opt-in to use it.

How does this affect OnePlace Solutions?

A pre-requisite of OnePlace Solutions products is .NET Framework. Older versions of OnePlaceMail rely on .NET framework 4.5.2, and therefore will be impacted by this change.   OnePlace Solutions 7.7 has been released to support .NET 4.6.2 and therefore TLS 1.2. Upgrading to the latest release will ensure that users can continue to save to Office 365 without any interruptions.

Please find further information here on how to upgrade and prepare for these changes.

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