New Support / Knowledge base launched
Scinaptic OnePlaceMail launches a new Support and Knowledge base area for clients and partners.
Visit the support site for the latest knowledge base articles, tips and FAQ's.
OnePlaceMail Release 4 now available - SharePoint 2010/Outlook 2010
Scinaptic OnePlaceMail® has been embraced by leading organisations across Europe, UK, US, Australia and New Zealand for its ability to deliver seamless integration from Microsoft® Outlook®, Windows File Explorer and Microsoft Office® (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) to Microsoft SharePoint®. OnePlaceMail promotes the user adoption of SharePoint as a central repository for managing and securely sharing information across the enterprise.
OnePlaceMail Release 4 is SharePoint 2010 Ready and supports the full enterprise keywords/Managed Metadata from Outlook/Office 2003, Outlook/Office 2007 and 2010.
Release 4 Highlights
- Enterprise/Managed Keywords with full support for Outlook/Office 2003, 2007 and 2010
- Folder Level Defaults in SharePoint 2010
- Custom List Level & Column Validation support
- Full API for Custom Integration
Gold Sponsor of Australian SharePoint Conference 2010
June 16-17, 2010: OnePlaceMail is a Gold Sponsor of the Australia SharePoint Conference held in Sydney...
Sponsor of New Zealand SharePoint Conference 2010
June 9-10, 2010: OnePlaceMail is a Silver Sponsor of the New Zealand SharePoint Conference held in Wellington...
SharePoint Conference 2009 - Las Vegas
The SharePoint Conference 2009 will be the first and the best conference to get in depth training on SharePoint 2010...
OnePlaceMail wins SharePoint Reviews Award
September 1, 2009: OnePlaceMail receives the top rated product award on SharePoint Reviews website, the world's largest SharePoint product directory.
New Zealand SharePoint Community Conference
July 2-3, 2009: OnePlaceMail is a bronze sponsor of the NZ SharePoint Conference 2009...
Image and Data Manager Online Magazine
April 30, 2009: OnePlaceMail features in the Image and Data Manger Online, Asia Pacific's online resource for Information Management...
OnePlaceMail SharePoint Review
OnePlaceMail receives great feedback & reviews OnePlaceMail has received fantastic feedback on SharePoint Reviews -the resource for independent reviews of SharePoint products. Thank youall for your great support.