Project Management
Seven reasons to use Microsoft 365 for project management
Project management can mean the difference between success and failure for many businesses. It helps carefully guide projects through to completion while ensuring that every piece of the puzzle moves with direction, control, and purpose.
Using SharePoint Team sites for a Project Management System
Explore how a corporate project management organisation implements a Project Management System, using Microsoft 365 with a Microsoft Teams site per project.
How to build a project management system on Microsoft 365 SharePoint
The Microsoft 365 platform offers significant capabilities to achieve core project management principles while also providing rich collaboration and security to meet the diverse challenges of managing projects.
OnePlaceLive Scenarios Unleashed: Project Management
Each article in this series takes an in-depth look at a single realistic business scenario and how to apply OnePlaceLive to overcome the key challenges faced. The scenario for this article is a project centric engineering company where projects are carried out for external customers and projects typically run for several months to several years in duration. The information architecture for this system is a single site collection with a subsite per project.